Monday, January 01, 2007

2007: The Ice Storm, The Bear, and the Primary Colored Pajamas

C'est finis! 2006.

Closing out the year in style, I spent New Years Eve at my friend Jon's farmhouse where my roommate, one of my very best friend's Lori, and I watched the world premier of "Finding Boris" with many of my WRJ friends. Then we all got a chance to bond as a very slick Ice Storm decended just after the close of 2006.

Gabriel's outfit answered Lori's question from the day before, which was, "Does he always wear primary colors?" Nice heels!

Bonnie was rockin' the striped socks and mini-skirt.

The bear, Winston I think, kept getting his nose in the middle of everything. He offered his artistic opinion to some fellow friends, made out with Matt, and got felt up by Lori who was confused due to champagne consumption. I was having "Hotel New Hampshire" flashbacks, though to my disappointment, Winston never actually said one word to me.

After the ball dropped and the drag queens dropped in Key West, each group headed out to their cars only to find that everything was covered in a layer of ice. Foolish thoughts of making it home occurred and we all chipped the ice off our cars and headed off to begin the decent down Jericho St to Route 14. After making it several hundred yards going 2mph, I noticed all my friends had stopped their cars. One of them went down the hill in their jeep straight into a tree. We all reversed direction, blew up some camping mattresses, and snuggled into our blankets for a night at the house where Nenah Cherry had once lived.
So Lori and I spent the night on the living room floor with 8 gay men, sad that no one had any contact solution on them.

The next morning we started our commune, in case we were stuck up on Jericho for weeks, but as it turned out we were able to skate down off the hill in my Kia at about 1pm New Years Day. My car slid into a ditch about 50 feet after backing out of Jon's driveway, but after some heaving and hoing, my trusty Kia was on its way back to my ice encrusted house on Beaver Meadow Rd.


Blogger DJ Press Play said...

Okay, so I exaggerated a little...

1:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

5:20 PM  

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