Wednesday, March 30, 2005

How Brave Are You?

Measure Your Fears - Would You, Wouldn't You, You Did

Created by beindthecurtain and taken 6925 times on bzoink!

Pet a snakeSure, I have already
Spend a week in an empty roomSolitary Confinement Turns Me On
Ride in a hot-air balloonWhy Not
Sky diveI really want to someday
Sing in front of a huge audiencebring it on
scuba divesure
Sit in the front seat of a roller coasterall the time, I love coasters
Deliver a babyoooh, I'd try
Swim across the Amazon Riveryipes no! i do not like nippy piranhas
Change careersoh yes
Disappear for a long period of timewhere? i'm game
Walk through the forest alone at nightthat is not brave, i do it all the time
Join a space missionI'd love to
Tell everyone what you honestly think of themI mostly do already
Call off your weddingYes who wants to get married anyways?
Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during rush hourtoo many body issues inebriate me then we'll see
Walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a girlSure, I could outrun him
Disarm a bombWell I don't know my correct wires so I don't think I'd risk it unless it were life and death situation
CLean the outside windows of a skyscraperyou got me, i don't think so
Draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa with a permanent markerno but she does look a little manly
Go on tour with Elvisno, because I'd want to be called the King
Go swimming during a thunder stormwhile on opiates
Preform surgury on your best friendsure, i'd pee on my best friend if i had to

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