I Don't Remember November
Moving has been difficult...most difficult.
Thankfully Angela's friends and her kind family have helped to make my transition to White River Junction somewhat smooth.
I am struggling to get a job, but will probably soon be back at work at the blue polo shirt & khakis corporation. Pbbbt!!!
We're renting a house in WRJ, right across from the White River actually, but to be totally extravagant, the house has a huge pool in the backyard. Too bad it's winter. It's a 1940s time warp and thus somewhat cute and retro. My favorite part is the glowing red neon motel light outside our office window. Finally Alan, Angela's father, and I finished reconditioning Stella's bedroom which involved many stinky bone-numbing hours of scraping off a layer of paint and a layer of wallpaper on all the walls. I smelled of vinegar for about 2 weeks. Then we had to wade through drawers of "cheap jesus" artifacts, such as little crucifixes and prayer cards and a cross-stich placard proclaiming, "Shhh...I'm Talking With God." The 86 year old woman who lived here was very Catholic. It's a cool place though, this house, and we're in walking distance to our new hangout in White River, Queeraoke at Than Wheelers on Fridays and Saturdays.
Now for a job.
I'm off to do some sneaky deeds...tis the season to surprise my girlfriend with a few gifts.
تتميز الشركة بتوفير مجموعة كبيرة من العمالة المدربة والقادرة علي التعامل مع كافة أنواع أجهزة رش المبيدات المختلفة والتي يمكنها الوصول إلى أدق الأماكن التي تنتشر بها الحشرات بكل سهولة وكذلك تقضي عليها بشكل تام
كما توفر الشركة إمكانية تنظيف المكان المصاب بعد الانتهاء من عملية المكافحة وذلك لضمان نجاح العملية بالكامل وخلو المكان من أي نوع من أنواع الحشرات التي تم مكافحتها كما يتم تعقيم المكان بالكامل فور الانتهاء من عملية التنظيف
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شركة الصفرات لرش المبيدات بالرياض
The company is keen to spray pesticides in Riyadh to provide the best devices to spray different pesticides that can access the most difficult places easily and without any collateral damage
شركة الصفرات لكشف التسربات بالرياض
Water leaks are one of the most serious things that must be taken care not to occur in any way. So the company is keen to detect the leaks in Riyadh to provide the best and latest special devices and modern, which are used in the detection of places of leaks in place without the need to break the place
شركة الصفرات لنقل الاثاث بالرياض
Al-Safrat Company for Furniture Transport in Riyadh is keen to provide furniture packing service to be transported in order to ensure that there is no damage to the furniture
شركة الصفرات لعزل الاسطح بالرياض
Surface insulation is not only because of water, but there are many reasons that require the need to isolate the surface just like the leakage of heat to the inside, which affects negatively on the devices as well as the place and there is a diversion of sounds
شركة الصفرات لعزل الخزانات بالرياض
Al-Safarat Tank Insulation Company in Riyadh provides a group of workers capable of dealing with all types of tanks. It also provides a range of special and modern appliances that clean the place well and remove all plankton under the tank by providing the best price plans in the entire region. Service access for the largest segment
شركة نقل دولى
The company is specialized in the field of international transport and is one of the areas that customers need continuously, and therefore an international transport company to transfer all the needs that customers need on a continuous basis through a group of transport vehicles specialized in the transfer of objects and equipped specifically for that
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