To Ani, The Cape, and P-Town We Go
July 29, we're off to the Cape, for a 4 day weekend. First up is a day at Nickerson Campground, no it's not the nudist campground in Hyannis--we decided NO on that. I'm sure Nickerson will be full of hippie dread types also going to the Ani Difranco show in Hyannis.
After spending a nice evening dancing to "chic with guitar" music (not normally my bag baby) we will be back at Nickerson, camping the night away. It's been so long since I set a tent up, we should probably do this pre-concert, as I'm sure it will be dark and we may be a little giddy after the show.
The next 2 days will be spend in Provincetown, swimming, shopping, eating seafood, people-watching, because there are amusing people in P-Town. Then Monday morning after a nice breakfast and maybe another swim or stroll about town, we'll be driving home. I'm sure we'll have lots of nice pics to post...stay tuned.